Evershine Development History
Evershien Present Facts (2021/09)
In Taipei, Evershine CPAs Firm provides cloud accounting, cashier function, tax compliance, and payroll compliance .
We act as your local in-house accountant although we are not sitting at your office.
Taipei now is the headquarter of Evershine Group with 24 affiliates.
Evershine was founded in 1992 by CPA Dale Chen.
In first 12 years, we did traditional tax auditing services for local Taiwan clients.
Since 2004, we have been investing in IT technology, joining International Accounting Association and creating English working environments.
Evershine has transformed to be a featured service provider on Cloud Accounting, Tax Compliance, Payroll Compliance, Company Registration and M&A Due Diligence.
We have been serving approximately thousands of MNCs (Multinational Companies) in major cities in Taiwan, China, Asia, and other worldwide countries.
Evershine has 100% affiliates in the following cities:
Taipei Evershine, Xiamen Evershine, Beijing Evershine, Shanghai Evershine,
New York Evershine, San Francisco Evershine, Houston Evershine,
Tokyo Evershine, Seoul Evershine, Hanoi Evershine, Ho Chi Minh,
Bangkok Evershine, Singapore Evershine, Kuala Lumpur Evershine, Jakarta Evershine, Manila Evershine,
Melbourne Evershine, Sydney Evershine, New Delhi Evershine, Mumbai Evershine,
Frankfurt Evershine, London Evershine, Toronto Evershine.
Other cities with existent clients:
Miami, Atlanta, Oklahoma, Phoenix, Michigan, Seattle, Delaware;
Berlin, Stuttgart;Paris;Amsterdam; Prague; Czech Republic; Bucharest;
Bangalore; Surabaya;
Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Donguan, Guangzhou, Qingyuan, Yongkang, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Kunshan, Nanjing, Chongqing, Xuchang, Qingdao, Tianjin.
Evershine Potential Serviceable City (2 months preparatory period):
Evershine CPAs Firm is an IAPA member firm headquartered in London, with 300 member offices worldwide and approximately 10,000 employees.
Evershine CPAs Firm is a LEA member headquartered in Chicago, USA, it has 600 member offices worldwide and employs approximately 28,000 people.
Besides, Evershine is Taiwan local Partner of ADP Streamline ®.
Brief Summary
Evershine CPAs Firm was founded by Dale Chen, CPA in 1992.
During the first 12 years, traditional tax auditing was serviced to local Taiwan clients.
We have been investing in IT technology, joining International Accounting Association and creating English working environment since 2004.
Since then, Evershine has transformed to a featured service provider in Cloud Accounting, Tax & Payroll Compliance, Company Registration and M&A Due Diligence.
We have been serving around 1000 overseas MNCs (Multi-National-Companies) from major cities in Taiwan, China and other Asian countries.
A member of International Accounting Association (IAPA: www.iapa.net) and Leading Edge Alliance (LEA: www.leadingedgealliance.com).
ADP Employer Services International provides multi-country payroll outsourcing services through ADP Streamline®.
Evershine CPAs Firm is a local partner of ADP Streamline® in Taiwan.
(The ADP logo is a registered trademark owned by ADP, Inc. in the United States and in other countries.)
Development history by time sequence
In 1992, Evershine CPAs Firm was founded by Dale Chen, Taiwan CPA/China CPA/UK CPA/Taiwan Patent Attorney.
If you want to know more about Dale, you may view his CV here: Dale Chen’s Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Dale Chen also founded Evershine BPO services Corp in 1994.
Evershine CPAs Firm was approved by the ROC Securities and Futures Commission to execute auditing services for publicly listed companies in 1999.
During April 2004, Evershine CPAs Firm registered with the PCAOB of the United States to provide auditing services for branches and subsidiaries of companies listed in NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, and OTCBB.
Since June 2005, Evershine CPAs Firm has been focusing on providing outsourced services of financial accounting to Taiwan-based and other Asian-based subsidiaries assigned by their parent company from the USA, England, HK, Japan and elsewhere.
In order to provide the best outsourcing services, we have designed and conducted our own web-based electronic authorization system for our clients to be used free-of-charge.
The system allows personnel of a parent company to join the daily documentary approval process of their overseas business subsidiary.
Additionally, we cooperate with Taiwan-based and Asian-based banks to provide a safe web-based electronic authorization system that requires approval by the personnel of the parent company before transferring daily payments.
In 2005, Evershine CPAs joined the IAPA (International Association of Practising Accountants) to be one of 300+ worldwide members.
The total staff of the member firms of IAPA is roughly at 9,800.
It is ranked the 7th largest CPA organization in the world.
For IAPA’s website, please visit www.iapa.net.
Evershine CPAs joined the LEA (Leading Edge Alliance) to be one of 600+ worldwide members in 2006.
LEA’s member firms have estimated total staff of 28,000.
It is ranked the 4th largest CPA organization in the world.
Please visit www.leadingedgealliance.com to view LEA’s website.
“Xiamen Evershine BPO Service Limited” was established in 2006 to be the service window for clients in China.
“Beijing Evershine BPO Service Limited” was set up in 2011 to serve as Beijing clients’ service window.
Around 2012, Evershine set up “Shanghai Evershine BPO Service Limited” for clients in Shanghai.
In 2013, Evershine invited co-service partners in Hangzhou, Nanjing, Guangzhou, HK, Singapore, Tokyo to serve our global clients.
More co-service partners in China (specifically Qunsan, Suzhou) were invited in 2014 to serve our global clients.
Establishment of “San Francisco Evershine BPO Service Limited” in 2014 opened doors for clients in San Francisco, CA.
Shanghai’s “Sydney Evershine BPO Service Limited” also found its way in 2014 to serve clients in Sydney, Australia.
Also in 2014, “New Delhi Evershine BPO Service Limited” in Shanghai which was established to and is ready to serve clients in New Delhi, India.
Here need to add important events after 2014
Dale Chen, Principal Partner/CPA in Taiwan+China+UK, AIA, & over-all responsible for these arrangements.
email: dalechen@evershinecpa.com
watsapp: +886-0933920199
Skype: daleccchen
wechat: evershiinecpa
linkedin address: Dale Chen Linkedin