$cityNameCH企業海外拓點: 海外公司登記、會計、稅務及薪資處理服務

法國–工商登記與相關服務 tpe2fr


聯絡人: 林幸穗  Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110


子公司SARL or EURL 設立 (永輝代號:ELR-SUB)

**SARL or EURL 設立
Limited Liability Company (Société à Responsabilité Limitée (SARL) and Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée (EURL)).

代尋辦公室服務工時費 (永輝代號:ELR-VRH)

1. 公司註冊需要一個註冊地址。永輝可以協助客戶找到一個可以僅用於註冊地址,或也可以作為辦公室的地址。
2. 當簽了租賃合約,貴公司將直接付租賃費用給提供註冊地址或辦公地址的房東。
3. 請注意一旦付了房租費用,這些將不能再向對方要求返還。
4. 假如貴公司只租了虛擬註冊地址,當開始營運時,要申請開立發票時,稅局會要求看到有實際營運地址,意謂著貴公司必須再租用實際營運的辦公室。
5. 協助找辦公室與倉儲或物流,不含服務機構之仲介費。

提供登記地址 (永輝代號:ELR-VRA)

假如貴公司沒有地址,我們可以安排地址, 註冊辦公司地址。此費用直接付給商務中心。

工商政府規費 (永輝代號:ELR-GOV)


其它計時服務 (永輝代號:ELR-HCS)


法國網路銀行申請之資料準備服務 (永輝代號:ELI-IBA)

* Normally Open corporate bank account in France-在法國正常開立的企業銀行賬戶
國稅所得稅稅證號申請及上網申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-FTC)

**申請法國所得稅稅號SIRET 之申請。
1.Tax Authority — http://www.impots.gouv.fr .
2. Ministry of Finance — http://www.economie.gouv.fr .

國稅增值稅證號稅申請及上網申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-GST)

我在註冊時,企業被分配一個十三位數的增值稅註冊號,其元素如下: FR (國家代碼)+ 2 位數(計算機密鑰)+ 9 位數(企業的警報號碼)。例如FR0124567890
*申請法國VAT 電子帳號

歐盟海關進出口證申請及上網申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-CIE)


歐盟稅證號及上網申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-EORI)

1.歐盟VAT稅證號(EU-VAT ID)

雇主扣繳稅證號碼及上網申請 (永輝代號:ELI-EWI)

*在活動的頭 15 天內,居民僱主必須使用公司的 M0 表格在當地商業手續中心(企業正式中心,簡稱 CFE )登記。
*外國僱主必須使用 E0 表格通過 Urs saf 或社會保障和家庭繳款徵收協會向法國政府登記,該協會是負責徵收社會保障繳款的私人組織的集合。
*這一登記將產生一個單一的帳戶( Sir et )號碼,適用於該公司所有受社會保障制度約束的僱員。
Within the first 15 days of activity, resident employers must register with the local Center for Business Formalities (Centres de formalités des entreprises, abbreviated as CFE) using the M0 form for companies.
Employers must declare their specific tax regime depending on their status as farmers, companies subject to corporation taxes or another category.
Businesses must register no later than the second business day following May 1.
Foreign employers must register with the government of France using an E0 form through Urssaf, or the Association for Collection of Social Security and Family Contributions (Unions de recouvrement des cotisations de securite sociale et d’allocations familiales), which is a collection of private organizations responsible for collecting social security contributions.
This registration will yield a single account (Siret) number that applies to all employees at the company subject to the social security system.
Registration is completed online, printed and mailed into the Urssaf office.
While initial enrollment is done only once, an employer must complete a Declaration Prior to Hiring (Déclaration préalable à l’embauche, abbreviated as DPAE) form for each new employee.

員工社會福利的扣繳證號申請及上網申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-LIC)

*僱主必須在法國Urssaf登記其預定繳款。僱主必須在僱用新僱員 8 天前提交一份《僱用前聲明》。
Employers must register their scheduled contributions with the French Urssaf. Employers must file a Declaration Prior to Hiring (Déclaration préalable à l’embauche, abbreviated as DPAE) eight days prior to hiring a new employee.
This form registers the employer with the general social security system and triggers a new account with the Urssaf.

代墊款 (永輝代號:ELI-OPE)


France foreign-owned incorporation Procedures
(digested from World Bank: www.doingbusiness.com 2021/0610)

Check name for uniqueness with the Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI)
Agency : Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI)

摘要檢查是免費的,但對查詢的商標申請副本收取費用。對於類似商標的可選搜索,三個類別的費用爲 50 歐元,所有類別的價格爲 500 歐元。

Although it is not legally mandatory to check the proposed company name for uniqueness before registering a company, this procedure is included because legal consequences may follow if this step is omitted. The name can be checked online at http://www.boutique.inpi.fr/inpiboutic.
A summary check is free of charge, but fees are charged for copies of trademark filings found. For an optional search of similar trademarks, fees are EUR 50 for three classes and EUR 500 for all classes.
Less than one day (online procedure)

機構 : 銀行
Deposit the initial capital
Agency : Bank

在收集所有資金後的 8 天內,必須將初始資金存入公證人、銀行或存款和寄售辦公室 (Caisse des Dépôt)。 初始資本在註冊期間被凍結,並在提交 K-bis 表格後釋放。
Within 8 days of the collection of all funds, the initial capital must be deposited with a notary public, the bank, or the Deposit and Consignment Office (Caisse des Dépôt). The initial capital is blocked during the registration period and released upon presentation of a K-bis form.
1 day

機構 : 有權發布法律公告的報紙
Publish a notice of incorporation of the company
Agency : Newspaper authorized to publish legal notices

該通知必須提供公司名稱及其經理 (gérant)、股本、公司標的和註冊辦事處。 創始人只需要一封來自報紙的確認計劃出版的信。 出版費為每行 40 個字符 5.50 歐元(不含增值稅)。對於大多數報紙,可以在線上訂購該通知的發布。不到一天(在線程序,與之前的程序同時進行)
每行 40 個字符 5.50 歐元(假設 30 行)

This notice must provide the name of the company and its manager (gérant), share capital, the object of the company and registered office. The founder needs only a letter from the newspaper confirming the planned publication. The publication fee is EUR 5.50 (VAT excluded) per line of 40 characters.
For most newspapers, the publication of the notice can be ordered online.
Less than one day (online procedure, simultaneous with previous procedure)
EUR 5.50 per line of 40 characters (assuming 30 lines)

機構:CFE 或 Infogreffe
File a joint application for company incorporation
Agency : CFE or Infogreffe

創建個人帳戶連接後,可以通過 Infogreffe 門戶網站線上完成註冊過程。 自 2018 年 6 月 30 日起,CFE 網站已停用。
註冊過程也可以在 Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE) 或 Infogreffe 的辦公室完成。他們處理與法院(RCS、商業法庭)、統計(INSEE)、稅務機關(Centre des Impôts)、社會保障(URSSAF)、勞工(Direction Departemental du Travail et de L’emploi)相關的所有手續 )、健康保險 (Caisse regione D’assurance Maladie)、失業保險、養老金、就業極 (Pole Emploi) 和類似機構。
公司章程和章程、租約、收到資金證明、有關經理的文件、臨時表格、公佈證據等必須歸檔在一個文件中。 該文件將被轉移到各自的辦公室和當局
CFE 自動將信息輸入到 Registre Nationale des Entreprise (Répertoire SIRENE) 並從 RNE 獲取識別號:SIRENE 號 (Systéme Informatique pour le Répertoire des Entreprises)、SIRET 號 (Systéme Informatique Pour le Répertoire des Etablissements), NAF編號(Nomenclature des Activites Francaises)。
除其他外,SIRET 由稅務機關使用。
自 2018 年 1 月 4 日起,有關實益擁有權的信息需要在企業成立後至少 15 天內披露)。
2 天 註冊 39.42 歐元 + 受益所有人 23.71 歐元

The registration process can be done online via the Infogreffe web portal after creating a personal account to connect. Since June 30 2018, the website of CFE has been discontinued.
The registration process can also be done at the office of the Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE) or Infogreffe. They handle all formalities related to the trade register in the court (RCS, Tribunal de Commerce), statistics (INSEE), tax authorities (Centre des Impôts), social security (URSSAF), labor (Direction Departemental du Travail et de L’emploi), health insurance (Caisse regionale D’assurance Maladie), unemployment insurance, pension, Employment Pole (Pole Emploi), and similar bodies. The company’s Articles of Association and bylaws, lease, attestation of receipt of funds, documents concerning the manager, ad hoc forms, evidence of publication, and so forth must be filed in a single file. The file will be transferred to the respective offices and authorities.

The CFE automatically enters the information in the Registre Nationale des Entreprise (Répertoire SIRENE) and obtains identification numbers from the RNE: SIRENE number (Systéme Informatique pour le Répertoire des Entreprises), SIRET number (Systéme Informatique pour le Répertoire des Etablissements), and NAF number (Nomenclature des Activites Francaises). The SIRET is used, among other things, by the tax authorities. Since January 4th 2018, information about beneficial ownership needs to be disclosed at least within 15 days after business incorporation).

2 days EUR 39.42 for the registration + EUR 23.71 for beneficial owners

代理機構 : 商事法庭
Buy company books and have them initialed by the clerk of the Commercial Court
Agency : Commercial Court


Special accounting company books must be bought from the court or specialized stores. Inventory books are no longer required, but the company must purchase the minutes of the records and the ledger and have these books initialed by the clerk of the Commercial Court.

The books have numbered pages or numbered sheets, both of which must be certified by the Commercial Court. If a book with numbered pages is used, the certification is made only once (when the company is incorporated). If numbered sheets are used, the certification must be made for the minutes of shareholders’ meeting. If an accounting book is used, the certification must be made once each fiscal year. Therefore, for practical reasons books are often used.

In theory, it is possible to have an electronic minute book provided that the procedure to draft the document is secured (to avoid document modification once it is drafted). Such a solution is rarely used because a secured procedure has not been clearly defined and the commercial court certification is more complicated in that case. It is also possible.


臺北市長春路378號6F 靠近長春路與復興北路交叉口
捷運文湖缐和松山缐交口 南京復興站,兄弟大飯店附近
林幸穗  Anny lin 協理
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110
或 Email:HQ4TPE@evershinecpa.com

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