$cityNameCH企業海外拓點: 海外公司登記、會計、稅務及薪資處理服務

泰國主要城市-公司設立登記與相關服務 tpe2th


聯絡人: 蘇玉燕 副總經理
電話 : +886-2-2717-0515 E104
手機 :  +886-928-486-835


永輝關係企業: 泰國永輝服務有限公司
Evershine Services (Thailand) Co., Ltd
1108/31 Sukhumvit Road, Phrakanong,Klongtoey, Bangkok, Thailand 10110
Bangkok Manager Paul Xiao, who speaks in both English and Thai.
M: +66-(0)852-222-197

請參考: 泰國設立公司相關規定 (中文)問答

特徵: 兩層的泰資在地公司為通常外資架構

爲你的母公司在泰國設立一般型 (非製造業)子公司是非常困難的。
除非是美國股東,100%出口,或某些行業經過繁雜的BOI 申請程序,
衍生出來設代表處 Representative Office 也很難。


假如不海用在泰國收泰幣發票,  但要請人,我們建議您使用我們的泰國外資設立前-短期代僱服務 tpe2th.eos
此項服務是指您所招聘的人員暫時被曼谷的 Ever shine 所招聘,由於一些原因,您的母公司尚未在泰國設立外資子公司,但有人員需求。


ELR-SUB  公司設立


1. 公司名稱查詢 : 優先順序選3個中文或英文。需要文件:提供申請人護照影本第一頁、臨時地址。
2. 原始股東名冊: 3人以上,(註冊一般公司外國人49%,泰國人全部51%)。如依照Amity Treaty (ELR-AMT)方式投資可外資股份及股東外國籍100%不受此限制。
– 請提供所有股東身分證及護照影本及入境卡
– 01/01/15起泰國股東必須有銀行帳戶證明
– 如泰籍無法提出銀行證明則採泰國3人或外籍3人先註冊後,7天後再更改正確股東。
3. 註冊資本額:(假設200萬銖)
4. 營業項目
5. 公司地址:提供地契或房屋戶籍謄本和房東身分證及租賃契約書,簡介公司地圖。
6. 公司印章(託我們代為刻印必須告知印章試樣或自行刻印)
7. 公司負責人1 – 4人(成立之初建議外籍)
8. 管理規章有特殊規定及限制內容請事先通知。

ELR-AMTAmity Treaty Registration


ELR-FBL Foreign Business License


禁止外國人從事清單3所列的業務,除非得到商業登記部(“商業登記部”) Commercial Registration Department (“CRD”)總長的許可。
請參考: 泰國設立公司相關規定 (中文)問答

ELR-VRA  公司登記地址-年費



**政府規費(Only for reference)包含:

1. Gov. Fee (Certification of Documents BOI): THB 2,400
2. Gov. Fee (Duty Stamps BOI): THB 500
3. Gov. Fee (Setup Duty Stamp &Certification): THB 1,000
4. Gov. Fee (2 millions Baht capitalization): THB 11,000
5. Gov. Fee (Update Company Affidavit): THB500
6. Gov. Fee (Foreign Business License): THB22,000
7. Gov. Fee (Import/Export License): THB150
8. Gov. Fee (Certification of Documents I/E License): THB 500

ELR-OPE  工商代墊請款

含郵資費、印章製作費、翻譯費、電話費、車資等 (Translation, Company Seal, Travelling Fee)。

BOI 促進投資計劃申請

**假如不用兩層的泰資在地公司為通常外資架構,投資額不到一億泰資時,採用BOI 促進投資計劃申請,通常於製造業採用之。

1. 代辦BOI外資投資申請流程:
(申請表格填寫)–>(BOI 案件投件申請)–>(相關資料收齊送交)–>(約官員面談)–>(資料不足補件)–>官員收件(最後補件)送交審查委員會–>(投資優惠臨時條款同意書)–>(同意書簽回)–>(繳交公司註冊登記資料)及(註冊金額之25%水單影本)–>(BOI正本批准核發)
3.備註欄: 當BOI官員通知領取批准核發文件條文時,此時必須在一個月內提供下列資料:
– 銀行帳戶內需最少匯入註冊資本額的25%金額(轉投資證明文件)
– 國外匯款水單需註明匯款目地為(在泰國投資)
-負責人之護照簽名 以上文件提交BOI單位處約15天,即正本文件會批准下來

**假如美國人或51%美國人控股的美國公司來做股東申請,將可被視為泰國人或泰國公司來做股東設立的泰國公司,這種狀況下就不用申請BOI.這種是叫Amity Treaty Registration,請參考ELR-AMT.

***泰國公司ELI 啟動公司業務申請服務

ELI-IBA     及網銀申請服務

辦理項目 (自行找附近銀行告知分行名稱)………> 我們會提供股東會議紀錄……………………………………………

(a) 公司註冊文件正本,銀行會自行考貝影本(文件1個月內有效)
(b) 公司印章
(c) 負責人護照及商務簽證或旅行簽
(d) 股份有超過20%需到場或有委託書
(e) 甲存(支票) 或 乙存(活期) ……> 請自行告知銀行

ELI-FTC    稅務證號申請

公司稅務 ID, 需繳交公司所得稅的公司,必須在成立之日起 60 天內從稅務局取得稅務 ID 卡和號碼,如果是外國公司,則從在泰國開始營業之日開始取得。

ELI-GTA    VAT 申請服務

Issued Company Operating Tax “PP. 01” 申請公司增值稅 “PP. 01” 表 辦理公司買賣7%增值稅 : 臨時執照正本Por Por 01 請事先準備下列資料:

(a) 公司招牌(英泰或中)
(b) 公司內外照片(外面遠近各2張但必須有門牌及招牌)
(c) 租屋契約及房東身分證及房東房屋戶籍本
(d) 負責人護照影本(內)簽名
(e) 公司註冊文件及印章
(f) 簡介公司地圖
附註:當我們稅務局辦理公司增值稅時會發給(臨時執照正本Por Por 01) ,公司買賣7%增值稅正本(Por Por 20),國稅局在1個月內會將正本寄往公司處。

ELI-PTI     公司僱主扣繳稅號申請服務


ELI-LIC     社會保險證號申請服務

Social Fund Registration 社會安全保護(勞保)-雇主登記

ELI-CIE     海關進出口證申請服務


ELI-GOV   啟動公司業務申請服務之政府規費

政府規費 (only for reference)包含:
1. Gov. Fee (Social fund Registration): THB 1500
2. Gov. Fee (Duty Stamp &Certification): THB: 500

ELI-OPE   啟動公司業務申請服務之代墊款


Thailand foreign-owned incorporation Procedures
(digested from World Bank: www.doingbusiness.com 2021/0610)

Search and reserve a company name online
Agency : Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce

發起人可以在業務發展部的網站 (http://www.dbd.go.th/dbdweb_en/main.php?filename=index) 搜索和保留公司名稱。自 2013 年 1 月 14 日起,不再提供親自到部門註冊官的姓名預訂。可提交 3 個名稱選項以供批准。一旦獲得批准,名稱保留的有效期為 30 天。

Promoters can search and reserve a company name on the Department of Business
Development’s Web site (http://www.dbd.go.th/dbdweb_en/main.php?filename=index). The name reservation in person at the Department’s Registrar is no longer available as of 14 January, 2013. 3 name options are submitted for approval. Once approved, the name reservation is valid for 30 days.
2 days

Deposit paid-in capital in a bank
Agency : Bank

公司章程大綱和章程獲得批准後,必須召開法定會議。發起人應當在會議結束後將業務移交給董事。董事應隨即促使發起人和認購人至少繳納註冊資本的 25%。

Once the company gets approval for the memorandum and the articles of association, it must hold a statutory meeting. The promoters shall hand over the business to the directors after the meeting. The directors shall thereupon cause the promoters and subscribers to pay in at least 25% of the registered capital.
1 day

註冊組織章程大綱,申請並支付將公司註冊為法人實體(最終註冊)並獲得 TIN
Register memorandum of association, apply and pay to register the company as a legal entity (final registration) and obtain TIN
Agency: Partnerships and Companies Registration Office, Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce

在單一服務中心,企業家可以註冊公司、獲得 TIN、註冊社會保障和註冊工人補償基金。所有文件都在1 天內在一個窗口中提交和接收,公司登記應在法定會議召開之日起 3 個月內完成。
根據《民商法典》第 1111/1 條,設立公司時,董事委員會可要求在同一天進行備忘錄註冊和公司註冊。如果發起人在同一天完成這兩個步驟,則有關備忘錄發起人的所需程序如下:
(一) 將全部股份的認購人登記在公司;
(二) 根據第 1108 條,召開法定會議審議公司的任何行為,所有認購人和發起人均出席會議並在法定會議上接受該行為;
(三) 讓發起人將所有業務移交給董事委員會;
(四) 讓董事要求每位認購人支付第 1110 條第 2 款規定的股份數額,並全額支付該數額。

(3) 股東名單;
(4) 每位董事簽署的新董事表格;
(5) 經營活動申報表;
(6) 公司登記名單;
(7) 簽署的諒解備忘錄和目標的副本;
(8) 董事長、董事簽署的法定會議記錄;
(9) 確認所有認購人繳付股本(至少 25%);
(10) 公司名稱保留表格
(11) 有限公司註冊證明書;和
(12) 顯示公司總辦事處及分公司(如有)註冊辦事處位置的地圖。發起人準備註冊組織章程大綱的申請,其中包含程序 2 中規定的細節;第一次法定會議仍應召開,但不需要召集第一次法定會議的通知;

根據稅務局局長於 2012 年 1 月 11 日的通知,自 2012 年 2 月 1 日起生效,公司的註冊號應與其稅號相同。
工作規定不再需要勞動保護和福利部批准,但必須在公司場所內的牆上公佈和展示。 ) 稍後在操作期間,勞動監察員可以檢查工作規定的正確執行情況。

– 組織章程大綱註冊費:500泰銖
– 公司註冊費:5,000泰銖
– 公司章程大綱上的印花稅:200 泰銖
– 公司章程上的印花稅:200 泰銖
– 註冊證明費:THB 100
– 宣誓書費:200 泰銖
– 證明文件費:每頁 50 泰銖。

At the Single Point Service Center, entrepreneur can register the company, obtain TIN, register for social security and register for the Workmen’s Compensation Fund. All documents are submitted and received in one window, within 1 day. Registration of the Company shall be made within 3 months of the day of the statutory meeting.
Under the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 1111/1, for establishing the company, the director committee may require memorandum registration and company registration on the same day. If the promoters complete both steps on the same day, the required proceedings involving the memorandum promoters are as follows:

(1) To have the subscribers of all the shares registered in the company;
(2) Under Section 1108, to have a statutory meeting to consider any act of company, with all subscribers and all promoters presenting at the meeting and accepting such act in the statutory meeting;
(3) To have promoters transfer all business to the director committee; and
(4) To have the directors require every subscriber to pay the amount of shares under Section 1110 paragraph 2, and have such amount be fully paid.
The required documents for registration of the company which must be signed by the authorized director(s) and affixed with the company’s seal (if required) shall include but not limited to the followings:
(1) Application form;
(2) Articles of Association;
(3) List of shareholders;
(4) New director form signed by each director;
(5) Declaration of Business Operation form;
(6) List of company registration;
(7) Signed copies of the MOA and the Objectives;
(8) Minutes of the Statutory Meeting signed by the Chairman and the Directors;
(9) Confirmation of payment of share capital (at least 25%) by all subscribers;
(10) Form for company name reservation
(11) Form of certification of registration of limited company; and
(12) Map(s) showing the location(s) of the registered office(s) of head office and branch office(s) (if any) of the company. The promoters prepare the application for registration of the memorandum of association containing the details specified in procedure 2; The first statutory meeting shall still be convened, provided that the notice to summon the first statutory meeting is not required;
The shareholders must pay at least 25% of the registered capital;
The promoters and authorized signatory director must sign the applications for registration of memorandum of association and for registration of incorporation, respectively, before Private Limited Companies Registrar, attorney at law, or auditor registered with the Registrar.
However, if the company has adopted complicated articles of association, the Registrar may take a few days to review the company’s articles of association. In such case, the registration of company incorporation may be prolonged for a few days or more.
Under the Notice of the Director General of Revenue Department dated 11 January 2012, which is effective from 1 February 2012, company’s registration number shall be the same as its tax ID.
Thus, the company is not further required to obtain taxpayer identification number or card anymore. Employers (with one or more employees) must register their employees for social security and workers’ compensation insurance at the Social Security Office, Ministry of Labor.
Work regulations are no longer required to be approved by the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare, however they must be announced and displayed on the wall within company’s premises. ). Later during operations, labor inspectors can check proper implementation of the work regulations.

1 day

– Fee for registration of memorandum of association: THB 500
– Fee for registration of the company: THB 5,000
– Stamp duty to be affixed on memorandum of association: THB 200
– Stamp duty to be affixed on articles of association: THB 200
– Certificate of Registration fee: THB 100
– Affidavit fee: THB 200
– Certification document fee: THB 50 per page.
Takes place simultaneously with previous procedure.

機構 : 稅務局
Register for Value Added Tax
Agency : The Revenue Department
當年收入超過 180 萬泰銖的門檻時,所有公司都必須進行增值稅登記。泰國稅法的規定可以在稅務局的網站上找到:www.rd.go.th。

  • 增值稅登記申請書一式三份(不接受複印件)
  • 租賃合同(附有印花稅)或建築物所有者的同意書和該建築物的戶籍登記。
  • 身份證複印件卡,出租人戶籍。
  • 顯示出租人所有權的文件,例如買賣合同、所有權轉讓。
  • 顯示建築物位置的地圖。
  • 帶有招牌名稱和大樓編號的辦公室照片。
  • 經商務部商務發展司認證的公司文件副本(6 個月內簽發)以及公司章程、規定和公司目標的詳細信息。

(1) 填寫增值稅註冊網上申請表(註冊時無需用戶賬號);
(2) 通過稅務局網站(http://vsreg.rd.go.th/)上的電子服務提交在線申請;和

VAT registration is mandatory for all companies when the annual revenue exceeds the threshold of THB 1.8 million. The provision of the Thailand tax code can be found on the Revenue Department’s website: www.rd.go.th.

The company shall apply the application at Bangkok Area Revenue Office where the company office located and must submit the following documents:

  • 01Application for VAT Registration in 3 copies (photocopy not accepted)
  • Rental Contract (affixed with stamp duty) or Letter of Consent from owner of the Building and Household Registration of such Building.
  • Photocopy of I.D. Card, Household Registration of the lessor.
  • Documents showing ownership of the lessor such as sell and purchases contract, transfer of ownership.
  • Map showing the location of the Building.
  • Photograph of the office with signboard name and number of the Building.
  • Copies of the Company documents certified by the Department of Business Development from the Ministry of Commerce (issued within 6 months) together with Articles of Association, regulation and details of the Objective of the company.

In case the company revenue less than 1.8 million THB, the company shall submit Por.Por.01- 1form.
Alternatively, the Revenue Department has recently introduced the possibility of VAT registration through an online system. The online registration process is as follows:
(1) Complete an online application form for VAT registration (no user account is required for registration);
(2) Submit the online application via the electronic service on the website of the Revenue Department (http://vsreg.rd.go.th/); and
(3) The Revenue Department will notify the applicant for completion of VAT registration by e-mail within 15-days from the submission date of the online application.
However, the usage of the online platform for VAT registration is not yet widespread, and entrepreneurs continue visiting the Revenue Department in person in order to register for VAT.
1 day

機構 : 社會安全辦公室
Register employees with the Social Security Office
Agency : Social Security Office

雇主和每位僱員必須在社會安全辦公室(“SSO”)註冊為被保險人。用人單位應到公司所在地社會安全辦公室領取申請表,並向區社會安全辦公室提交登記表。並雇主有責任在僱用至少 1 名員工後 30 天內向 SSO 提交以下文件:
– 雇主和僱員登記表(SSO 1-01 和 SSO 1-03 表)
– 有目標的公司註冊複印件
– 工作地點地圖
– 增值稅登記複印件(Pro.Por20,如果適用)或增值稅登記申請(Por.Por.01,如適用)或特殊營業稅登記或工廠設立許可證的複印件
– 授權書(如適用)和身份證複印件獲授權人的
– 房東的租賃協議或同意書(如需要)。

An employer and each employee must be registered as an insured person with the Social Security Office (“the SSO”). The employer shall collects the application form at Social Security Office where the company located and submit the registration form at the Zone Office of Social Security.

The employer is responsible to submit the following documents to the SSO within 30 days after hiring at least 1 employee:
– employer and employee registration forms (Form SSO 1-01 and SSO 1-03)
– a photocopy of company registration with objectives
– map of working place
– a photocopy of VAT registration (Pro.Por20, if applicable) or request of VAT registration (Por.Por.01, if applicable) or special business tax registration or license of factory establishment
– letter of power attorney (if applicable) and photocopy of I.D. of the authorized person
– lease agreement or letter of consent from the landlord (if requested).
1 day

聯絡人: 蘇玉燕 副總經理
電話 : +886-2-2717-0515 E104
手機 :  +886-928-486-835


永輝關係企業: 泰國永輝服務有限公司
Evershine Services (Thailand) Co., Ltd
1108/31 Sukhumvit Road, Phrakanong,Klongtoey, Bangkok, Thailand 10110
Bangkok Manager Paul Xiao, who speaks in both English and Thai.
M: +66-(0)852-222-197

柏林; 斯圖加特;布拉格;布加勒斯特;班加羅爾;泗水;
永輝潛在可服務城市 (2個月籌備期):
Evershine is local Partner of ADP Streamline® in Taiwan.

請用下列電郵與我們聯繫: HQ4TPE@evershinecpa.com

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