$cityNameCH企業海外拓點: 海外公司登記、會計、稅務及薪資處理服務

土耳其–工商登記與相關服務 tpe2tr

土耳其主要城市公司設立登記,外派人員工作許可申請,商標登記,進出口證,特許行業申請等。公司設立後雲端系統支援的會計薪資服務。 土耳其與臺灣同事攜手協同爲您服務。為地球暖化盡一份心力,減少空中旅行。

聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110


公司設立 (永輝代號:ELR-SUB)

Types of entities in Turkey:

1.1 至少有一個實體/法律實體成立。
1.3.最低資本要求: 10 , 000 TL( 3 , 600 美元)
2.1 最低資本要求:50.0000 TL(18.000美元)

1. Limited Company
1.1 Set up with at least one real person/legal entity.
1.2 Liability of shareholders is limited with share capital.
1.3 Minimum Capital Requirement: TL 10.000 (USD 3.600)
2. Joint Stock Company
2.1 Minimum Capital Requirement: TL 50.0000 (USD 18.000)

Company Registration Procedures:

1. 中央登記系統: 名稱預查 ; 追蹤號碼 (約:1天)
2. 認證單位_認證公司文件(約:1天)
3. 匯入競爭保護費用 (約:1天)
4. 開公司銀行帳戶_匯入資本 (約:1天)
5. 商業司_公司登記 (約:6-8週)
6. 省市政府登記
7. 稅捐處登記, Service fee not being included, please see ELI-GTA.
8. 政府公報公告新公司成立
9. GDFI申請立案
10. 向商會或工會登記
11. 社會保險機關登記, Service fee not being included, please see ELI-LIC.

1. MERSIS system Company Name: MERSIS tracking number MERSIS
Check the appropriateness of the chosen company name and the title to use
2. Notarize company documents
Notarization of the Articles of Association (5 copies)
Notarization of the signature declaration of the manager
3. Competition Authority: Competition Protection
Deposit a percentage of capital to the account of the Competition Authority (0.04% of capital)
4. Bank Account opening for Capital remittance
Deposit at least 25% of the startup capital in a bank and Obtain proof thereof
5. Trade Registry Office registration

Required Documents:

5.1 .要求登記的請願書
5.2 .公司註冊通知書副本。
5.3 、經公證的公司章程複印件(原件 1 份)。
5.6.授權代表有限責任公司創始人的每人,簽名聲明書 2 份。
5.7 、創始人聲明公證件(原件 1 份)。
5.8.繳入的最低資本保證金(至少爲認繳資本的 25 %)的銀行證明。
5.9 、商會登記表。
5.10 .創始人的護照尺寸照片。
7.在稅務局登記。服務費不包括在內,請參閱 ELI – GTA 。
9.GD FI 註冊
11.社會保險登記。服務費不包括在內,請參閱 ELI – LIC 。
5.1. Petition requesting registration
5.2. copies of an incorporation notification form (kurulus bildirim formu).
5.3. copies of the notarized articles of association (1 original).
5.4. Bank deposit receipt with respect to the payment made to the bank account of the Competition Authority (0.04% of the company’s share capital).
5.5. An undertaking (taahhutname) signed by the authorized company representatives. Signature declaration of the directors.
5.6. For each person authorized to represent the founders of the limited liability company, 2 copies of the signature declarations.
5.7. Notarized copy of the founders’ declaration (1 original).
5.8. Bank certificate of the paid-in minimum capital deposit (at least 25% of the subscribed capital).
5.9. Chamber of Commerce registration form.
5.10. passport-sized photos of the founders.
6. Registration at the Municipality
7. Registration at Tax Office. Service fee not being included, please see ELI-GTA.
8. Publication in Gazette
9. GDFI Registration
10. Chamber of Commerce or Chamber of Industry Registration
11. Social Security Registration. Service fee not being included, please see ELI-LIC.

代尋辦公室服務工時費 (永輝代號:ELR-VRH)

1. 公司註冊需要一個註冊地址。永輝可以協助客戶找到一個可以僅用於註冊地址,或也可以作為辦公室的地址。
2. 當簽了租賃合約,貴公司將直接付租賃費用給提供註冊地址或辦公地址的房東。
3. 請注意一旦付了房租費用,這些將不能再向對方要求返還。
4. 假如貴公司只租了虛擬註冊地址,當開始營運時,要申請開立發票時,稅局會要求看到有實際營運地址,意謂著貴公司必須再租用實際營運的辦公室。
5. 永輝的服務費用為每小時費率乘於估計花費工時。

年付公司秘書服務 (永輝代號:ELR-ACS)

Your company need to assign an qualified professionals to be your company secretary.

工商政府規費 (永輝代號:ELR-GOV)

Your company need to assign an qualified professionals to be your company secretary.

工商代墊請款 (永輝代號:ELR-OPE)


網路銀行申請之資料準備服務 (永輝代號:ELI-IBA)

1. 基本上,開戶者須親自出席至。
2. 我們建議要設立網銀三個功能與角色︰製作者、檢閱者和核准者.
3. 如果委任本公司作為貴公司的售後服務提供者,本公司的當地同事之一會被設置為製作者。
4. 建議用戶端設立兩個銀行帳戶: 4.1 第一種與母公司聯繫在一起,意味著有銀行子公司或分支機搆,所謂的「海外銀行帳戶」的國家。 如果貴公司在貴國有銀行子公司或分支機搆,可以聯繫他們做 KYC(Know Your Client)(瞭解你的用戶端)並將 KYC 檔發送到該銀行的子公司或分行。貴公司可能不需要派員在當地開戶,但這看情況,不一定都如此。 4.2 第二種是當地指定的當地銀行,所謂本地銀行之一:為了節省銀行收費,就必須有本地的銀行帳戶,用於支付雇員工資、費用、預繳稅金、加值稅、企業所得稅和法定保險和退休金等。

一般納稅人申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-GTA)

Shareholder first apply to tax office to get a potential tax ID for the company to be established and with this they will open a bank account where capital will be sent.

社會保險證號申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-LIC)

Social Security Institution Application (SSI) application must be made in the beginning, even if you are not going to hire anyone you have to apply for SSI in order to give them information.

啟動公司業務申請服務之政府規費 (永輝代號:ELI-GOV)


啟動公司業務申請服務之代墊款 (永輝代號:ELI-OPE)


Turkey foreign-owned incorporation Procedures
(digested from World Bank: www.doingbusiness.com 2021/0610)

線上提交組織章程大綱和章程並獲得臨時稅號 (TIN)
機構 : 中央貿易登記系統 (MERSIS)
Submit the memorandum and articles of association online and obtain a temporary tax identification number (TIN)
Agency : Central Trade Registry System (MERSIS)

公司註冊應通過中央貿易登記系統 MERSİS 進行。企業創始人必須通過 MERSİS 系統線上提交他們的備忘錄和公司章程,該系統會為公司生成一個臨時稅號 (TIN)。
Company registrations shall be carried out through MERSİS, the Central Trade Registry System. The business founders must submit their memorandum and articles of incorporation online through the MERSİS system, which will generate a temporary tax identification number (TIN) for the company.
Less than one day (online procedure)

Apply for registration at the Trade Registry Office
Agency : Trade Registry Office (Ticaret Sicil Müdürlüğü)

– 請求註冊的請願書。
– 3 份公司註冊通知表 (kurulus bildirim formu)。
– 2 份公司章程副本和 1 份原始版本。
– 向競爭管理局付款的證明(公司股本的 0.04%)。
– 由授權公司代表簽署的承諾書(taahhutname)。董事簽字聲明。
– 每個被授權代表有限責任公司創始人的人,簽名聲明的副本 2 份。
– 商會登記表。
– 每位創始人的護照尺寸照片 1 張。
– 非股東管理人員的接受聲明(1 份公證副本)。

在公司成立的那一刻,企業創始人將在貿易登記處獲得法律文書的認證。註冊完成後,貿易登記處將根據職權,通知相關稅務機關和社會​​保障機構,關於公司的成立。自公司註冊日起約 10 天內,貿易註冊處將安排在貿易註冊公報上發佈公告。然後從當地稅務局獲得稅務登記證。

– 書籍認證費 + 機構認證費:190 里拉
– 公司章程的出版:每字 0.35 里拉(通常為 750 字)
– 啟動通知:TL 80
– 貿易註冊公報費用:TL 3.5
– 經理簽名的註冊費:TL 520.40
此外,必須支付公司資本的 0.04% 的競爭管理局費用。對於伊斯坦布爾商會的年度會員資格,費用根據公司的資本而定,如下:
– TL 1 -1.000 : TL 260
– TL 1.001 – 25.000:TL 265
– TL 25.001 – 250.000:TL 285
– TL 250.001 – 1.000.000:TL 390
– TL 1.000.001 – 更多:TL 460
2天 見程序詳情

Registration must be applied for at the Trade Registry Office. The following documents are required to apply for company registration:
– Petition requesting registration.
– 3 copies of an incorporation notification form (kurulus bildirim formu).
– 2 copies of the articles of association plus 1 original version.
– Proof of the payment made to the Competition Authority (0.04% of the company’s share capital).
– An undertaking (taahhutname) signed by the authorized company representatives. Signature declaration of the directors.
– For each person authorized to represent the founders of the limited liability company, 2 copies of the signature declarations.
– Chamber of Commerce registration form.
– 1 passport-sized photo of each founder.
– Acceptance declaration of the managers who are not shareholders (1 notarized copy).

At the moment of incorporation, the business founders will obtain the certification of the legal books at the Trade Registry Office. Following the registration, the Trade Registry Office will notify the relevant Tax Office and the Social Security Institution ex-officio regarding the incorporation of the company. The Trade Registry Office will also arrange for an announcement in the Trade Registry Gazette within approximately 10 days as of the date of company registration. A tax registration certificate must then be obtained from the local Tax Office.

According to the official fees of 2019 published in the Official Gazette No. 30642 on December 31, 2018, the fees applicable upon the incorporation of a limited liability company are set as of January 1, 2019 as follows:
– Book certifying fee + Institution attestation fee: 190 TL
– Publication of articles of association: TL 0.35 per word (for 750 words usually)
– Start-up notice: TL 80
– Trade Registry Gazette fee: TL 3.5
– Registration fee for manager’s signature: TL 520.40

In addition, the Competition Authority fee of 0.04% of the company’s capital must be paid. For annual membership with the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, the fees apply based on the company’s capital, as follows:
– TL 1 -1.000 : TL 260
– TL 1.001 – 25.000 : TL 265
– TL 25.001 – 250.000 : TL 285
– TL 250.001 – 1.000.000 : TL 390
– TL 1.000.001 – more : TL 460
2 days see procedure details

Pay the registration fees
Agency : Trade Registry Office (Ticaret Sicil Müdürlüğü)

Registration fees must be paid at a cashier located at the Trade Registry Office.
1 day

機構 : 公證人
Obtain an authorized signatory list of managers
Agency : Notary

公司成立後,公司經理或其代表必須拜訪公證人以獲得“經理授權簽字名單”(imza sirküleri)。當公司與第三方(如公司或銀行)開展業務時,需要此文件。並且需要從市政府獲得工作場所和經營許可證。
1 天(與之前的程序同時進行)

After incorporation, the company’s managers or their representatives must visit a notary to obtain an “Authorized Signatory List of Managers” (imza sirküleri). This document is needed when a firm engages in business with third parties such as firms or banks. It is also required to obtain a Working Place and Operations Permit from the Municipality.
The authorization of signature declarations can be obtained at Trade Registry Office. This authorization says that “this person will be using his below inscribed signature in representing the relevant company”. That is not the case for the “Authorized Signatory List of Managers”, which sets out the monetary limits, if any, as well as a description of the relevant persons’ authorities to bind and represent the company, along with their signature samples.
1 day (simultaneous with
previous procedure)
TL 120

機構 : 稅務局
Complete the company’s tax registration
Agency : Tax Offic

貿易登記處將公司的成立通知稅務局和社會保障局。在實踐中,為了加快註冊過程,公司代表會跟進是否收到通知並要求提供稅務證明 (Vergi Levhasi),這是開展業務交易和開具發票所必需的。
– 經理的授權簽字人名單(以前從公證人處獲得);
– 公司登記表;
– 經理的身份證;
– 公司辦公室的租賃合同。

The Trade Registry Office notifies the Tax Office and the Social Security Administration of the company’s incorporation. In practice, to expedite the registration process, company representatives follow up on whether the notification has been received and request the Tax Certificate (Vergi Levhasi), which is required to carry out business transactions and issue invoices.

Through the visit to the Tax Office, the company’s temporary tax ID will be made permanent. The following documents must be presented to the authorities:
– Authorized signatory list of managers (previously obtained from a notary);
– Company registration form;
– Managers’ IDs;
– Rental contract of the company’s office.

Following this visit, the Tax Officers will come to the office to verify the location, the type of activities being conducted by the business, the company’s documents, and other matters. A report will be prepared by the Tax Officers and the Tax Certificate is usually provided on the same day or on the following day.
1 day

機構 : 市政府
Obtain a Workplace Opening and Operations Permit
Agency : Municipality

工作場所開放和運營許可證 (İşyeri Açma ve Çalışma Ruhsatı)。申請時,應當填寫申請表,由公司授權簽字人簽字,向有關直轄市提出申請。需要以下文件:
– 稅務登記證複印件。
– 經理的授權簽字人名單。
– 顯示公司註冊的貿易登記公報。
– 公司註冊證。
– 租賃協議/地契。
– 申請表。
– 消防部門的肯定批准。
– 工作場所許可證申請費付款收據和環境稅付款收據。
要申請此許可證,必須支付每平方米 1里拉的費用。
1 天
每平方米1 里拉

A Workplace Opening and Operations Permit (İşyeri Açma ve Çalışma Ruhsatı). An application shall be made to the relevant Municipality by filing an application form and having it signed by the authorized signatories of the company. The following documents are required:

– Copy of the tax registration certificate.
– Authorized signatory list of managers.
– Trade registry gazettes showing the incorporation.
– Company registration certificate.
– Lease agreement / title deed.
– Application form.
– Fire department’s affirmative approval.
– Workplace permit application fee payment receipt and environmental tax payment receipt.
To apply for this permit, a fee of TL1 per square meter must be paid.
1 day TL 1 per square meter

機構 : 社會保險機構
Register employees with Social Security
Agency : Social Security Institution (Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu)

公司可以通過貿易登記處進行社會保險登記。此外,根據關於社會保障和一般健康保險的第 5,510 號法律,雇主有義務在員工上班前提交一份就業聲明,將僱用情況通知社會保險機構。該通知可以在 https://uyg.sgk.gov.tr/SigortaliTescil/amp/loginldap 線上進行。


Companies can be registered with social security through the Trade Registry Office. Additionally, according to Law No. 5,510 on Social Security and General Health Insurance, employers are obliged to notify the Social Security Institution of the hiring of employees by submitting a statement of employment prior to their first day of work. This notification can be made online at https://uyg.sgk.gov.tr/SigortaliTescil/amp/loginldap.

Less than a day (online procedure)