柬埔塞–工商登記與相關服務 tpe2kh.elr
柬埔塞主要城市公司設立登記,外派人員工作許可申請,商標登記,進出口證,特許行業申請等。公司設立後雲端系統支援的會計薪資服務。 柬埔塞與臺灣同事攜手協同爲您服務。為地球暖化盡一份心力,減少空中旅行。
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110
外資公司設立 (永輝代號:ELR-SUB)
1. 我們建議資本額50,000美金,先設貿易公司然後工廠到時候看是否可以通過CDC申請。如要,則ELS-CDC;如不要,則ELR-FTR.
2. 可以外資公司100%(除了買土地,它需要當地人占51%以上)
3. 辦理時間(貿易公司):3個月
1. 進行公司名稱獨特性的初步檢查,並在業務登記部獲得公司名稱批准(7 天)
2. 將公司與商務部工商登記司合併(30天)
3. 製作公司印章 (1 天)
4. 開立銀行帳戶,存入法定初始資本並取得存款證據(1天)
5. 蓋章並經批准的登記文件,註冊TIN、專利稅和加值稅(30天)
6.通知勞動部開始運營和雇用員工(30 天)
7. 向企業註冊處提交公司原始章程和資本金存款證據
8. 接受勞動監察員的檢查
1. Conduct an initial check for uniqueness of the company name and Obtain company name approval at the Business Registration Department (7 days)
The company is required to set up an account on business registration website of Ministry of Commerce, so they can perform the name search availability and reserve the name online by uploading the ID Cards or Passports of Owners.
The payment of government fee shall be done online as well through certain commercial bank including ACLEDA bank, Foreign Trade Bank.
2. Incorporate the company with the Business Registration Department in Ministry of Commerce (30 days)
3. Make a company seal (1 day)
4. Open a bank account, deposit the legally required initial capital and obtain deposit evidence (1 day)
5. Have registration documents stamped and approved, register for TIN, Patent tax and VAT tax (30 days)
6. Notify the Ministry of Labor of the start of operations and hiring of employees (30 days)
7. Submit company original statutes and capital deposit evidence at the Business Registry
8. Receive inspection from Labor Inspector
9. Register at the National Social Security Fund
**Documents Required:
2.1 包含位址的檔,可以是電費、水費、房屋或建築租金協定、銀行對帳單等。
2.2 成立公司的協定
2.3 照片 4×6
2.4 公司擁有者和管理員的身份證或護照
2.5 行政官誠實地宣佈,以前在任何商業、民事或刑事案件中均未定罪,而且他/她目前不是受《柬埔寨王國公務員條例》約束的公務員
2.6 如果公司擁有者是法人:
– 證明公司註冊的原始法律文件的認證副本
– 任命法人為
2.7 公司必須向商業登記部提供其章程原版的兩份(02)份,並附有銀行存款對帳單。
2.1 Documents containing address, which can be electricity bill, water bill, house or building rent agreement, bank statement, etc.
2.2 Agreement establishing the company
2.3 Photos 4×6
2.4 Identity card or passport of the company’s owners and administrator
2.5 Honest declaration by the administrator to have no previous conviction in any commercial, civic or criminal case, and that he/she is currently not a civil servant bound by the Statutes of Civil Servants of the Kingdom of Cambodia
2.6 In the case where the company’s owners are legal persons:
– a certified copy of the original legal documents proving the company’s registration
– the original copy of letter appointing the legal person as the
representative issued by the owners of the company
2.7 The company must provide two (02) copies of the original version of its statute, accompanied by a statement of bank deposit, to the Department of Business Registration.
工廠登記服務 (非CDC申請) (永輝代號:ELR-FTR)
* 這是在公司設立後申請.
* 服務項目為協助貴司申請一般工廠登記.
* 這裡沒有通過 The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC).
* CDC is government organization in Cambodia who is responsible for development and investment activities.
* 假如需要各種稅務減免優惠,就必需申請CDC核准,如ELS-CDC.
代尋辦公室服務工時費 (永輝代號:ELR-VRH)
1. 公司註冊需要一個註冊地址。永輝可以協助客戶找到一個可以僅用於註冊的地址。
2. 當簽了租賃合約,貴公司將直接付租賃費用給提供註冊地址的房東。
3. 請注意一旦付了房租費用,這些將不能再向對方要求返還。
4. 假如貴公司只租了虛擬註冊地址,當開始營運後,要申請開立發票時,如果稅局要求看到實際營運地址,意謂著貴公司必須再租用實際營運的辦公室。
工商政府規費 (永輝代號:ELR-GOV)
1. Name uniqueness check fee
2. The publication fee for the official notice of incorporation
3. Fees for the business registration certificate
工商代墊請款 (永輝代號:ELR-OPE)
其它計時服務 (永輝代號:ELR-HCS)
工廠登記服務(通過CDC) (永輝代號:ELS-CDC)
1. 如果通過CDC核准,可以有許多優惠包括關税減免 (Qualified Investment Project(QIP))。
2. 這個需要看客戶的計劃書是不是符合CDC的要求:
-2.1 工廠面積多大
-2.2 進出口設備的名單是否先進的設備
-2.3 生產量
-2.4 銷售的目標,客戶對象
-2.5 工廠設立的地點
3. 王國政府鼓勵在如下重點領域進行投資:
-3.1 創新產業或高科技產業
-3.2 創造就業機會
-3.3 出口導向型
-3.4 旅遊業
-3.5 農工業及加工業之生產商品
-3.6 基礎設施建設及製造能源
-3.7 各省及農村發展
-3.8 環境保護
-3.9 在依法設立的特別開發區投資
網路銀行申請之資料準備服務 (永輝代號:ELI-IBA)
1. 基本上,開戶者須親自出席至。我們建議要設立網銀三個功能與角色︰製作者、檢閱者和核准者。
2. 如果委任本公司作為貴公司的售後服務提供者,本公司的當地同事之一會被設置為製作者。
3. 建議用戶端設立兩個銀行帳戶:
3.1 第一種與母公司聯繫在一起,意味著有銀行子公司或分支機搆,所謂的「海外銀行帳戶」的國家。
如果貴公司在貴國有銀行子公司或分支機搆,可以聯繫他們做 KYC(Know Your Client)(瞭解你的用戶端)並將 KYC 檔發送到該銀行的子公司或分行。貴公司可能不需要派員在當地開戶,但這看情況,不一定都如此。
3.2 第二種是當地指定的當地銀行,所謂本地銀行之一:為了節省銀行收費,就必須有本地的銀行帳戶,用於支付雇員工資、費用、預繳稅金、加值稅、企業所得稅和法定保險和退休金等。
TIN,Patent,VAT申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-GTA)
公司需要向Cambodia General Department of Taxation申請TIN, Patent,VAT。
社會保險證號申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-LIC)
1. Register at the National Social Security Fund
2. Based on the NSSF Law, any enterprise that has eight or more employees is required to register with the NSSF.
3. At the beginning an employer needs to fill out form 1.01 (Registration of an Enterprise) and 2.01 (Registration of Employees) and file them with NSSF a long with supporting documents listed on form 1.01. The two forms can be obtained from any of NSSF offices.
勞工工會申請規費 (永輝代號:ELI-LAB)
The procedure cost covers five processes:
– Registration for opening of enterprise
– Registration of enterprise/establishment ledger
– Registration of payroll
– Having internal regulation certified
– Issuance of letter recognizing the election of shop steward for enterprise/establishment employing
啟動公司業務申請服務之政府規費 (永輝代號:ELI-GOV)
1. Seal registration fees
2. Patent registration fees
3. Tax department registration fees
4. VAT registration fees
啟動公司業務申請服務之代墊款 (永輝代號:ELI-OPE)
Cambodia foreign-owned incorporation Procedures
(digested from World Bank: www.doingbusiness.com 2021/0610)
Conduct an initial check for uniqueness of the company name and Obtain company name approval at the Business Registration Department
Agency : Business Registration Department, Ministry of Commerce
商業部於 2015 年 12 月 29 日發布了第 299 號公告,實施線上系統進行公司註冊的新程序。網站:www.businessregistration.moc.gov.kh 公司需在商業部工商登記網站上開設賬號,透過上傳業主身份證或護照,進行名稱查詢和網上預約。政府費用的支付應通過 ACLEDA 銀行線上完成,和通過外貿銀行、加拿大銀行和 Acleda 銀行線下完成。目前,通過外貿銀行向商務部電子支付尚未開通。
The Ministry of Commerce issued a Prakas No. 299 on 29 December 2015 to implement a new procedure for registration of company through the online system.
Website: www.businessregistration.moc.gov.kh
The company is required to set up an account on business registration website of Ministry of Commerce, so they can perform the name search availability and reserve the name online by uploading the ID Cards or Passports of Owners.
The payment of government fee shall be done online via ACLEDA Bank and offline via Foreign Trade Bank, Canadia Bank and Acleda Bank. Currently, e-payment to the Ministry of Commerce via Foreign Trade Bank does not work yet.
1 week KHR 40,000
Incorporate the company with the Business Registration Department in Ministry of Commerce
Agency : Business Registration Department, Ministry of Commerce
- 包含地址的文件,可以是租賃協議、電費單、水費單、房屋或建築物租金協議、銀行對賬單等。
- 設立公司的協議
- 照片 4×6
- 公司所有者和管理人的身份證或護照
- 管理人誠實聲明,之前沒有在任何商業、民事或刑事案件中被定罪,並且他/她目前不是受柬埔寨王國公務員章程約束的公務員
– 證明公司註冊的原始法律文件的核證副本
– 公司所有者出具的任命法人為代表的信件原件
- 公司必須在商業登記證簽發之日起 30 天內向商業登記局提供其章程原件的兩 (02) 份副本,並附上銀行存款證明。在此期間,如果商業登記部未收到申請人的章程原件,商務部保留拒絕公司註冊並將其從其數據庫中完全刪除的權利。
第 (1)-(6) 項下列出的文件在 http://www.businessregistration.moc.gov.kh 上在線提交。第(7)項所列文件以紙質原件親自提交。
1 個月 1,680,000 瑞爾
Every businessman and trade company based in the Kingdom of Cambodia is obligated to register their business through the Ministry of Commerce’s automated business registration system from anywhere via this Website: www.businessregistration.moc.gov.kh
The following documents must be provided online to the Ministry’s Registrar in the specified quantity:
- Documents containing address, which can be a lease agreement, electricity bill, water bill, house or building rent agreement, bank statement, etc.
- Agreement establishing the company
- Photos 4×6
- Identity card or passport of the company’s owners and administrator
- Honest declaration by the administrator to have no previous conviction in any commercial, civic or criminal case, and that he/she is currently not a civil servant bound by the Statutes of Civil Servants of the Kingdom of Cambodia
- In the case where the company’s owners are legal persons:
– a certified copy of the original legal documents proving the company’s registration
– the original copy of letter appointing the legal person as the representative issued by the owner of the company
- The company must provide two (02) copies of the original version of its statute, accompanied by a statement of bank deposit, to the Department of Business Registration within 30 days starting from the date a business registration certificate is issued. During this period, if the Department of Business Registration does not receive the original copy of the statute from the applicant, Ministry of Commerce reserves its right to reject the company’s registration and delete it altogether from its database.
Documents listed under items (1)-(6) are submitted online at http://www.businessregistration.moc.gov.kh. Documents listed under item (7) are submitted in person in original hard copy.
1 month KHR 1,680,000
機構 : Sealmaker
Make a company seal
Agency : Sealmaker
商業部對公司進行登記並加蓋公章。公司本身必須按照 MOC 提供的格式製作印章。
15 美元
The Ministry of Commerce registers and acknowledges the seal of the company. The company itself must produce a seal in accordance with formats provided in the MOC.
1 day USD 15
機構 : 銀行
Open a bank account
Agency : Bank
The company must open a bank account in its name. The evidence of a bank account must be submitted to the MOC within one month after the company has obtained the certificate of incorporation. At the same time of opening a bank account, the company can also deposit the initial capital.
1 day
註冊文件蓋章和批准,註冊 TIN、專利稅和增值稅
機構 : 稅務總局
Have registration documents stamped and approved, register for TIN, Patent tax and VAT tax
Agency : General Department of Taxation
組織章程大綱和公司章程以及公司註冊證書需要蓋章, 可以在行政總務司或33個稅務分支機構取得。並且得親自到稅務登記處拍照和套取指紋。
– 柬埔寨王國政府(RGC)或相關政府部門頒發的批准函或證書;
– 與主管部委機構(如果有)的公司章程或公司備忘錄(AoA 或 MoU);
– 有效身份證或護照;
– 兩張當前照片(不超過3個月),尺寸4×6,白色背景,不戴眼鏡,露出雙耳,照片背面必須有主席簽名;
– 所有權證明或有效的租賃協議;
– 不動產稅收據或文件(如有);
– 銀行出具的企業銀行賬戶信息(即銀行確認函或銀行對賬單或存摺);
– 主管機構頒發的許可證(如果有)(例如旅遊部頒發的旅遊許可證)等等。
1 個月 100 美元
The documents that need to be stamped are the Memorandum and Articles of Association and the Certificate of Incorporation. This is obtained at one of the Department of Administration and General Affairs, and other 33 Tax Branches. In-person visit toTax Registration Office is required in order to take pictures and fingerprints.
To register, it is required to complete the application form issued by the Tax Administration and attach the following documents:
– Approval letter or certificate issued by the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) or relevant RGC ministries;
– Articles of Association or Memorandum of Understanding (AoA or MoU) with competent ministries-institutions (if any);
– Valid ID card or passport;
– Two current photos (not older than 3 months), size 4×6, white background, no glasses and showing both ears, and must be signed by Chairman on the back of the photo;
– Ownership certificate or valid lease agreement;
– Immovable property tax receipt or documents (if any);
– Bank account information of the enterprise (i.e. bank confirmation letter or bank statement or bank book) issued by a bank;
– Licenses issued by competent institution (if any) (e.g. tourist license issued by Ministry of Tourist etc.).
The e-registration website is not functioning at the moment.
1 month USD 100
機構 : 金邊首都大廳
Notify the Ministry of Labor of enterprise opening, hiring of employees and establishing internal regulations
Agency : Phnom Penh Capital Hall
所有企業必須在開始運營前向勞動部提交書面聲明。此外,每家擁有至少8 名員工的企業必須制定內部法規,以適應勞動法的一般規定,如僱傭條件、工資和津貼的計算和支付,包括實物福利、工作時間、健康和安全措施,以及個人休假,包括假期。內部規定必須在公司開業後3個月內提交。
– 企業開業登記(KHR30,000)
– 企業/機構分類帳登記(KHR 60,000)
– 工資登記(KHR 80,000)
– 獲得內部監管認證(KHR 600,000)
– 發出信函,承認為企業/機構僱用的員工代表選舉(KHR 80,000)
KHR 850,000瑞爾
All businesses must submit a written declaration to the Ministry of Labor before starting their operations.
In addition, each enterprise with at least eight employees must have established internal regulations that adapt such general provisions of the labor code as conditions of hiring and calculation and payment of wages and perquisites, including in-kind benefits, work hours, health and safety measures, and personal leave, including holidays. The internal regulations must be filed within 3 months of firm opening. All establishments must maintain a payroll ledger, a declaration of personnel, a book of establishment, and labor regulations (in Khmer version). As required by law, local employees shall be provided with a “labor book” upon completing a physical examination at the Labor Health Center.
The procedure cost covers five processes:
– Registration for opening of enterprise (KHR 30,000)
– Registration of enterprise/establishment ledger (KHR 60,000)
– Registration of payroll (KHR 80,000)
– Having internal regulation certified (KHR 600,000)
– Issuance of letter recognizing the election of shop steward for enterprise/establishment employing (KHR 80,000)
1 month
KHR 850,000 (for 8-100employees)
Submit company original statutes and evidence of a bank account at the Business Registry
Agency : Business Registration Department in Ministry of Commerce
公司必須在商業登記證簽發之日起 30 天內,向商業登記局提供其章程原件的兩份副本,並附上銀行賬戶對賬單。在此期間,如果商業登記部未收到申請人的章程原件,商務部保留拒絕公司註冊並將其從其數據庫中完全刪除的權利。
1 天(與之前的程序同時進行)
The company must provide two copies of the original version of its statute, accompanied by a statement of bank account to the Department of Business Registration within 30 days starting from the date a business registration certificate is issued.During this period, if the Department of Business Registration does not receive the original copy of the statute from the applicant, Ministry of Commerce reserves its right to reject the company’s registration and delete it altogether from its database.
1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure)
機構 : 勞動和職業培訓部
Receive inspection from Labor Inspector
Agency : Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
1 天(與之前的程序同時進行)
After the registration, labor inspection is done randomly and jointly by the labor official,immigration police, and NSSF official.
1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure)
機構 : 全國社會安全基金
Register at the National Social Security Fund
Agency : National Social Security Fund
根據勞動部關於向全國社會保障基金登記屬於《勞動法》規定的企業/機構和工人/僱員的第 448 號法令,任何雇主僱用至少一名僱員的都必須向全國社會安全基金登記。
雇主需要填寫表格 1.01(企業註冊)和 2.01(僱員註冊),並將它們連同表格 1.01 中列出的證明文件一起提交給 NSSF。這兩種表格可以從任何一個 NSSF 辦公室獲得。表格 1.01 列出了四個文件:
(1) 公司註冊證明;
(2) 公司專利稅證明書;
(3) 員工名單(表格2.01);
(4) 公司代表的身份證或護照。
在實踐中,可能需要額外的文件,例如申請表、公司代表照片、公司位置圖。 經審查批准,國家社會保障基金頒發《企業登記證》。註冊後,雇主必須計算、填寫並向 NSSF 提交每月 NSSF 供款表。填寫 NSSF 捐款表所需的信息必須在每個月 15 日的規定截止日期之前完成並提交。
2 週(與之前的程序同時進行)
According to Prakas No. 448 of the Ministry of Labor on on the Registration of
Enterprises/Establishments and Workers/Employees that fall under the Provisions of the Labor Law with the NSSF, any employer employing at least one employee is required to register with the NSSF.
At the beginning an employer needs to fill out form 1.01 (Registration of an Enterprise) and 2.01
(Registration of Employees) and file them with NSSF along with supporting documents listed on form 1.01. The two forms can be obtained from any of NSSF offices.
Form 1.01 lists four supporting documents:
(1) Certificate of incorporation of the Company;
(2) Patent tax certificate of the Company;
(3) List of employees (form 2.01);
(4) Identification card or passport of Company’s representative.
In practice, additional documents might be required, e.g. application form, photo of Company’s representative, and location plan of the Company.
Upon review and approval, NSSF will issue the Enterprise Registration Certificate. After registration, the employer must calculate, complete and file the monthly NSSF contribution form with the NSSF. The information required to complete the NSSF contribution form must be completed and filed by the required deadline of the 15th of each month.
2 weeks (simultaneous with previous procedure)
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林幸穗 Anny lin 協理
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