$cityNameCH企業海外拓點: 海外公司登記、會計、稅務及薪資處理服務

智利–工商登記與相關服務 tpe2cl

智利主要城市公司設立登記,外派人員工作許可申請,商標登記,進出口證,特許行業申請等。公司設立後雲端系統支援的會計薪資服務。 智利與臺灣同事攜手協同爲您服務。為地球暖化盡一份心力,減少空中旅行。

聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110


外資公司設立 (永輝代號:ELR-SUB)



Company Incorporation Process (Approx. 9-15 weeks):
1. Reserving a company name with the Companies Registrar.
2. Preparation and filing of company constitution documents.
3. Managing required processes with the local notary and public registry offices.
3.1 We will assist to draft the bylaw which will state and regulate all of the main aspects and affairs of the company such as name, purpose, duration, capital, transitory administrator, managers, etc.
3.2 An extract of the bylaw must be registered in the Chilean Commerce Registry Custodian within 30-60 days.

* It is recommended to have the minimum capital of approximately USD7 500.

提供登記地址(年) (永輝代號:ELR-VRA)

* 公司登記需要一個登記之地址。永輝可以協助安排給貴公司辦公室登記地址
* 每月USD250,一年收費一次。
* Evershine can arrange office to be your registered address.
* In the initial period, it is a one-time charge for 12 months paid to house owner of the address.
* After setting up, you can choose moving out to your real office or still using Evershine office as your registered office.
* If you choose to use the Virtual Registered Address Evershine provided, you have to pay the rental fee per year until moving out.
* Payment Terms:
-1. When signing up company registration engagement letter, you have to pay rental fee for 12 months.
-2. After set-up, if you still use the Virtual Registered Address arranged by Evershine, from 12th month after the date of signing up company registration engagement letter, you have to pay the rental fee per year.
-3. Once you pay 2.1. as the retainer fee, it will not be refundable.

法律及稅務代理人(半年) (永輝代號:ELR-LTR)

* 我們可以安排法律及稅務代理人。
* 每月USD600,半年收費一次。

工商政府規費 (永輝代號:ELR-GOV)

* 政府費用如下:
* 此費用為統包價,若代墊款有超過此金額,永輝將以憑證向貴司申請超額部份。
Government fee would be as follows:
1. Notarization of the statutes of the company.
2. File the statutes with the Chile government.
3. Register with the Internal Revenue Service (SII).
4. Obtain company receipts and invoices with SII.
5. Apply for the certificate of commencement of
6. Register at the municipality.
7. Register with labor-related accident insurance.

工商代墊請款 (永輝代號:ELR-OPE)

These expenses are caused by handling your company’s setup, including chop-making, postage, etc.

其它計時服務 (永輝代號:ELR-HCS)

Other services which are not included in above description, such as renting car, applying telephone etc. You will be charged hourly rate USD40 multiplies the estimated spending hours. However, we will inform you and get your approval in advance.

網路銀行申請之資料準備服務 (永輝代號:ELI-IBA)


RUT 申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-RUT)

* In accordance with Chilean Corporate Law, all foreign companies that don’t have residence or domicile in the country and intend to own local based companies, are regarded as investors.
* As investors, a tax ID number (Rol Único Tributario (RUT) Number), must be granted by the Internal Revenue Service.
* We will assist your company to:
1. Register RUT number with Chilean Internal Revenue Service.
2. File a notice of commencement of activities, both of which are realized through “CIRS Form No. 4415.

社會保險證號申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-LIC)

1. 養老金,FONASA,工傷賠償基金,和失業保險證書與AFC一起申請。
2. 在招聘當地員工之前,您需要獲得這個證書。
Pension, FONASA, Workers’ Compensation Fund, and Unemployment Insurance Certificate application with AFC.
Before you recruit local employees, you need to get this certificates.

啟動公司業務申請服務之政府規費 (永輝代號:ELI-GOV)

The fee will be paid to the government with having receipt issued by relevant Government Authorities.

啟動公司業務申請服務之代墊款 (永輝代號:ELI-OPE)

* 代墊款含郵資費,印章製作費,電話費,車資等。
* 不包含台灣的公證費及認證費。
* 此費用為統包價,若代墊款有超過此金額,永輝將以憑證向貴司申請超額部份。
* 不包含出差旅費。


Chile foreign-owned incorporation Procedures
(digested from World Bank: www.doingbusiness.com 2021/0610)

機構:Registro de Empresas y Sociedades
Draft online the articles of association and obtain an authentication number
Agency : Registro de Empresas y Sociedades

企業家可以通過填寫將通過企業和公司註冊處 (www.tuempresaenundia.cl) 提交的表格在線上起草公司章程。然後系統將提供一個授權號。藉由這個號碼,企業家將拜訪公證人以獲得數位簽名。

Entrepreneurs can draft the articles of association online by completing a form that will be submitted throught the Registry of Enterprises and Companies (www.tuempresaenundia.cl). The system will then deliver an authorization number. With this number, the entrepreneur will visit the notary to obtain a digital signature.
Less than one day (online procedure)

在 Registro de Empresasy Sociedades 註冊公司
機構:Registro de Empresas y Sociedades
Register the company with the Registro de Empresasy Sociedades
Agency : Registro de Empresas y Sociedades

企業家可以免費在線上註冊 (www.tuempresaenundia.cl)。該系統允許用戶以零成本線上註冊(修改、取消等)公司。系統也會立即提供存續證明,並自動為公司分配納稅人識別號。該系統將要求所有訂閱文檔的合作夥伴都擁有先進電子簽名(電子憑證),或通過使用自己電子簽名的公證人來完成。


UF 0,26

Entrepreneurs can register online (www.tuempresaenundia.cl) at no cost. The system allows users to register (modify, cancel, etc.) a company online, at zero cost. The system provides the certificate of existence immediately, and it automatically assigns a tax payer ID number to the company. The system will require that all partners subscribing the document have an advanced electronic signature (a token), or that they do the process with a notary that uses his own advanced electronic signature.
Less than one day (online procedure)

UF 0,26

Give notice of initiation of activities to the Internal Revenue Service online
Agency : Internal Revenue Service

企業家必須向智利國稅局提交一份“活動啟動”(“Inicio de Actividades”)表格,該表格是提交的宣誓聲明,通知納稅人將開始在智利開展經濟活動。該程序可以通過智利國稅局網站 (www.sii.cl) 進行。

Entrepreneurs must submit an “initiation of activities” (“Inicio de Actividades”) form before the Chilean IRS, which is a sworn statement submitted to inform that the taxpayer will start to develop economical activities in Chile. The procedure can be carried out through the Chilean IRS website (www.sii.cl).
Less than one day (online procedure)

Obtain a digital certificate to enable the issuance of tax documents before the Internal Revenue Service
Agency : Company approved by the Internal Revenue Service

電子簽名的數位證書證明簽名人或證書所有者之間的關係。第 20.727 號法律修改了關於電子發票的稅法並製定其他措施,(2014 年)電子文件取代了使用紙本文件。
截至2018年,公司必須在線上開具或完成的文件包括:發票、採購發票、發票清算、貸記和借記票據、會計師登記冊。數位證書允許公司通過國稅局 (http://www.sii.cl) 在線上繳稅。

  • Acepta (www.acepta.com)
  • E-CertChile Cámara de Comercio de Santiago (www.e-certchile.cl)
  • 電子簽名 (www.e-sign.cl)
  • Certinet (www.certinet.cl
  • 無紙化 (www.paperlessla.com)

CLP 12,000 ~ CLP 17,000

The digital certificate of an electronic signature certifies the relationship between the signatory or the owner of the certificate.
Law No. 20.727 which Modifies Tax Law Regarding the Electronic Invoice and Establishes other Measures, (2014), replaced the use of paper documents for electronic documents. As of 2018, the documents that must be issued or completed online by a company include: invoices, purchase invoices, liquidations of invoices, credit and debit notes, accountant registries. The digital certificate allows companies to pay taxes online with the Internal Revenue Service (http://www.sii.cl).
Companies must request the issuance of a certificate from one of the suppliers approved by the Internal Revenue Service which are:

  • Acepta (www.acepta.com)
  • E-CertChile Cámara de Comercio de Santiago (www.e-certchile.cl)
  • E-Sign (www.e-sign.cl)
  • Certinet (www.certinet.cl
  • Paperless (www.paperlessla.com)

Less than one day (online procedure)
Between CLP 12,000 and CLP 17,000

Obtain a Business License (Patente Comercial) from the Municipality
Agency : Municipality

營業執照(商業專利)必須在創業時獲得,然後每年更新。獲得專利權的請求通過表格、稅號 (RUT) 和公司章程提出。

根據 1996 年第 2,385 號法令,獲得專利的費用因市政府而異,介於公司啟動資金的 0.25% 至 0.5% 之間。

第 3063/1979 號法令規定,任何職業、活動、工業、商業、藝術或任何其他盈利活動,無論其名稱如何,都必須從市政府獲得營業執照。企業的每個機構、辦公室、倉庫等都必須從相應的市政府獲得單獨的許可證。

1 天,與之前的程序同時進行

公司啟動資金的 0.25% 至 0.5%

A Business License (Patente Comercial) must be obtained upon business start-up and then renewed on a yearly basis. The request to obtain the patente is presented through a form, along with the Tax ID (RUT) and the company’s articles of association. The fee to obtain the patente varies per Municipality, between 0.25% and 0.5% of the company’s start-up capital, as per Decree 2,385 of 1996.

Decree Law 3063/1979 rules that any profession, activity, industry, commerce, art, or any other profitable activity, independent of its denomination, must obtain a Business License from the Municipality. A separate license must be obtained from the corresponding municipality for each of the enterprise’s establishments, offices, warehouses, and so forth.
1 day, simultaneous with previous procedure
between 0.25% and 0.5% of the company’s start-up capital

機構:勞工保險(Mutuales de Seguridad
Register with the labor-related accident insurance (Seguro Social contra Riesgos de
Accidentes del Trabajo y Enfermedades Profesionales)
Agency : Labor Insurance (Mutuales de Seguridad)

根據第 16.744 號法律(第 15 條),雇主必須支付涵蓋工作相關事故和職業疾病的保險。企業家可以選擇將保險支付給公共職業安全研究所(Instituto de Seguridad Laboral (ISL),前 Instituto de Normalización Previsional)或稱為 Mutuales 的私營非營利實體。在智利,有三個私人互助協會:

  • 智利安全協會。
  • Mutual de Seguridad de la Cámara Chilena de Construcción
  • Instituto de Seguridad del Trabajo

1 天,與之前的程序同時進行

According to Law 16.744 (article 15), it is mandatory for the employer to pay an insurance which covers work related accidents and professional illnesses. Entrepreneurs have the option to pay the insurance to the public Institute of Occupational Safety (Instituto de Seguridad Laboral (ISL), former Instituto de Normalización Previsional) or to private nonprofit entities known as Mutuales.

In Chile, there are three private Mutuales:

  • Asociación Chilena de Seguridad.
  • Mutual de Seguridad de la Cámara Chilena de Construcción. de la construcción.
  • Instituto de Seguridad del Trabajo.

1 day, simultaneous with previous procedure


臺北市長春路378號6F 靠近長春路與復興北路交叉口
捷運文湖缐和松山缐交口 南京復興站,兄弟大飯店附近
林幸穗  Anny lin 協理
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110
或 Email:HQ4TPE@evershinecpa.com

所長 Principal Partner:
陳中成 Dale C.C. Chen;
會計師 in 台灣+中國+英國/企管碩士+企管博士/台灣專利師;
CPA in Taiwan+China+UK/ MBA+DBA/ Patent Attorney in Taiwan;
Mobile: +86-139-1048-6278 in China ;
Mobile:+886-933920199 in Taipei;
Wechat ID: evershiinecpa ;
Line ID:evershinecpa;
skype:daleccchen ;Linking Address:   Dale Chen Linkedin

萬科七寶科學園區 地鐵9號線中春站出口, 靠近虹橋機場

接洽人: 陳之選– 經理
辦公室: +-86-21-6402-0100
E-mail: sales.shanghai@evershinecpa.com

北京業務連絡人: 李高斌經理
Mobile: +86-137-1870-0002
Office電話:   +86-10-84549221
E-mail: sales.beijing@evershinecpa.com

地址:廈門市思明區湖濱南路百腦匯大廈 724室
接洽人: 陳文端經理
電話:   +86-592-5734710   / 手機:+86-139-5011-5291

柏林; 斯圖加特;布拉格;布加勒斯特;班加羅爾;泗水;
永輝潛在可服務城市 (2個月籌備期):
Evershine is local Partner of ADP Streamline® in Taiwan.

(台灣到世界)請用下列電郵與永輝聯繫: HQ4TPE@evershinecpa.com
更多城市更多服務 網站導覽 (tpe2ww)